QITA 168cm G cup sports purple blonde sex doll Neysa

Qita Doll

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Neysa is like a bunch of juicy purple grapes. Her skin is flawless and full of elasticity. You can take any posture you like. At the same time, the weight of this doll is very petite compared with the full-size sex doll, and she is especially cute. One of her outstanding advantages is that it is easy to carry because of its light weight. Can bring an ultimate experience.

Brand Qita Doll
Material TPE With A Metal Skeleton
Height 168 cm
Neck Circumference 29 cm
Shoulder Width 36 cm
Bust/Band/Waist 82 cm / 56 cm / 59 cm
Hips 80 cm
Arm Length 46 cm
Hand Length 16 cm
Leg Length 74 cm
Foot Length 21 cm
Arm/Thigh/Calf Circumference 22 cm / 45 cm / 29 cm
Vaginal/Anus Depth 14 cm / 10 cm
Net Weight 37 kg

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